Love Is by Rosalie QuinlanI just love BOMs (Block of the Month). I don't get time these days to visit many quilt shops but I can still get my quilting fix with BOMs. I have done many of them over the past years and at present I am working on Love Is by Rosalie
Quinlan. I just love this quilt, especially the stitchery. It is very relaxing to sit and stitch and listen to one of my Agatha Christie talking books - heaven. I have finished stitching two blocks and here they are. I am working on the angel block at the moment and listening to "Cards on the Table".
I see that you visited my blog. I decided to pop over to yours to see what you are working on. The stitcheries are great. I don't do much embroidery but am so tempted after seeing so many displayed on different blogs! There are just so many stitchery patterns to pick from!